Bormann & Gordon
Company Profile
Over 40 years of experience and leading edge methods and know-how together with an excellent retail and industry network form the basis for our proven project success. Over 100 freelancers across Germany who work for B&G directly at the POS support our experienced and dedicated core team in Bad Homburg. Our specialist POS know-how extends from the retail food sector to pharmacies and convenience stores and our acknowledged quality and objectivity ensure results that are highly accepted by retail and industry alike.
We provide comprehensive advice to industry and retail on all matters relating to the POS and shoppers.
Shopper insights
We generate shopper insights to identify opportunities regarding the “shopper at the POS“
Controlled Store Tests
We quantify how sales are impacted by changes to a product, placement or promotion in the real-life context of controlled store tests.
We show how to improve POS implementation by conducting professional surveys.
Maximize Potential
We optimize all the P´s: Product, Placement, Promotion und Price.
B&G company profile
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