POS Surveys
We carry out POS surveys to analyze the CURRENT situation of your product presentation at the point of sale (POS) and use these as the basis to identify optimization potential (by retail client), for example, with regard to primary placement, promotion execution, product availability etc.
Out-of-stock surveys
Facing surveys
Sales implementation surveys
B&G Field Experience: 30.000 store visits a year
The main factors for the success of these surveys are neither hard- nor software but rather a refined survey concept (including optimized procedures and consistent and clear definitions), trained staff and effective supervisory structures for field control and data processing.
POS Trackings
Promotion / POS-Execution Tracking
Marketing objectives should be implemented at the POS for maximum sales impact. Through our surveys we can identify the execution status and further potential for action (e.g. environment of placing a product, order in the shopping path, double facings etc.)
- In food stores
- In discounters
- In „out-of-home“ channels
Out-of-stock Tracking
Out-of-stock products on the shelf translate into sales losses for the retailer and for industry. If a product is not available, the customer often buys nothing at all. Current studies suggest that this results in potential sales of around 4 billion Euros remaining untapped.
Therefore, it is of upmost importance to know the potential of your products. We are able to make precise and targeted improvements in product availability by undertaking client based investigations to determine in which stores gaps in the supply of your product lines exist.